Colorado Unit 58 Hunting Information

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Overview of CO GMU 58 Hunting Facts

Located in the heart of Colorado in Park and Fremont counties is Game Management Unit 58. Its inclusion in the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness Area, Pike National Forest, and San Isabel National Forest represent its natural beauty and untouched wilderness. It may also explain why half of the unit is privately owned, driving the fact home that hunters need to be prepared with a GPS unit to locate the public 287,000 acres this unit has to offer. The majority of private land is concentrated mostly in the northern portion of the unit. Unit 58 is home to the Cripple Creek Deer Herd (approximately 13,000 in population), the Buffalo Peaks Elk Herd (approximately 4,000 in population), and the South Park Antelope Herd (approximately 700 in population). These healthy numbers should provide some insight into the chance for a successful hunt in Colorado Unit 58! For more Colorado Unit 58 hunting information, check out the Info for Cities Near Unit 58 section on the right.

Table of Contents

CO Unit 58 Species Hunting Info

INFO: Mule Deer Hunting in Colorado Unit 58
As mentioned above, the deer numbers are strong in Unit 58. Aside from mule deer hunting, hunters can take advantage of the OTC Whitetail only tag that is available for a late-season month-long whitetail deer season. Archery and muzzleloader seasons, though occurring at different times and different methods of taking, mirror each other in that they are valid for hunting either-sex mule deer and valid in Units 49, 57, 58, and 581. Rifle season regulations are a little more complex. For the 2nd and 3rd rifle season, buck tags are applicable in Units 49, 57, 58 & 581 and doe tags are valid only in units 58 and 581. The mule deer in unit 58 travel throughout the unit according to the weather, hunting pressure, and the rut. These three factors must be taken into account when planning your hunting locations. The lower elevations are going to be best hunted in later seasons when the highland foliage has dissipated. The highlands are going to be better to hunt in the warmer months when the deer activity is much higher since they will be in their summer patterns at these times. Hunting pressure is not as high in this unit as other units that have OTC elk tags.

SUCCESS RATES for Mule Deer Hunting in Colorado Unit 58
5 Year Estimated Average for Deer
Archery 35%
Muzzle Loader 38%
2nd Rifle 50%
3rd Rifle 40%
Mule Deer TROPHY QUALITY for Unit 58 Colorado
Average Quality 140″ – 160″
Trophy Potential 160″
Buck to Doe Ratio 24:100
Colorado Unit 58 Mule Deer Hunting FORUM Coming Soon!

INFO: Elk Hunting in Colorado Unit 58
The regulations for elk tags are very cut and dry. All tags drawn for any season are valid for hunting either sex and are applicable for Units 57 and 58. Elk are notorious for retreating to hard to reach areas when the pressure heightens. This activity can be a prime opportunity for those hunters that are willing and capable of pursuing those more rugged hikes. This will allow you to move away from the crowds and infiltrate the remote, safety zones for the elk herds. If strenuous hikes are not for you, then not to worry! Unit 58 has plenty of near-flat and relaxed hunting locations. As with the mule deer, monitor the changing weather patterns, and be sure to master your bugle call so that you can get involved with the rut. Low hunt pressure makes this a great valued for the fall with huntable elk that often respond to calls.

SUCCESS RATES for Elk Hunting in Colorado Unit 58
5 Year Estimated Average for Elk
Archery 22%
Muzzle Loader 25%
1st Rifle 35%
2nd Rifle 40%
3rd Rifle 25%
4th Rifle 35%
Elk TROPHY QUALITY for Unit 58 Colorado
Average Quality 270″ – 300″
Trophy Potential 310+
Bull to Cow Ratio 30:100
Colorado Unit 58 Elk Hunting FORUM Coming Soon!

INFO: Antelope Hunting in Colorado Unit 58
With the majority of this unit being covered in grasslands, it’s no surprise that antelope inhabit the area. As already mentioned, the South Park herd is known to occupy this unit. The antelope tags for unit 58 are draw-only with no OTC tags available. For archery and rifle season, the either sex antelope tags are valid in Units 57, 58 and 581. Muzzleloader season tags are applicable for hunting either sex in Units 49, 50, 57, 58, 500, 501 and 581.

SUCCESS RATES for Antelope Hunting in Colorado Unit 58
5 Year Estimated Average for Antelope
Archery 35%
Muzzle Loader 55%
Rifle 70%
Antelope TROPHY QUALITY for Unit 58 Colorado
Average Quality 65″ – 70″
Trophy Potential 70+
Buck to Doe Ratio 44:100
Colorado Unit 58 Antelope Hunting FORUM Coming Soon!

Unit 58 Hunting Information Video


Total Acreage: 560,000 acres over 875 square miles

Total Public Land: 286,472 acres or 51%

Land Ownership Mix: 49% Private; 51% Public; USFS: 52,928 acres; BLM: 164,000 acres; State: 36,224 acres; Other Govt Owned: 9,408 acres

Species: Black Bear; Elk, Mule Deer, Moose, Pronghorn

Elevation Variances: 5,760 ft. 11,710 ft.

Terrain Difficulty Overall: Mild to Moderate

Land Coverage/Vegetation: 53% grassland/herbaceous, 29% evergreen forest, 11% shrub/scrub and 4% deciduous forest

Unit 58 Boundaries: (Fremont, Park County Colorado) bounded on North by US-South Highway 24; on East by Park County Road 59 and Colorado 9; on South by US-South Highway 50; on West by Kaufman Ridge and Badger Creek


Lay of the Land in CO Unit 58
