Home » Hunting Informations » New Mexico Units Hunting Information » New Mexico Unit 55B Hunting Information
Home » Hunting Informations » New Mexico Units Hunting Information » New Mexico Unit 55B Hunting Information
INFO: Mule Deer Hunting in New Mexico Unit 55B
Almost the entire unit is flat to rolling rangeland that provides excellent pronghorn hunting. A few elk and mule deer live along the few brushy creek bottoms where cottonwoods, pinyon pines and junipers grow.
SUCCESS RATES for Mule Deer Hunting in New Mexico Unit 55B
5 Year Estimated Average for Deer
Archery 20.00%
Late Archery 22.00%
Muzzleloader 28.00%
Rifle 1 27.00%
Rifle 2 30.00%
Mule Deer TROPHY QUALITY for Unit 55B New Mexico
Average Deer Quality 140″ – 160″
Trophy Deer Potential 170″+
New Mexico Unit 55B Mule Deer Hunting FORUM Coming Soon!
INFO: Elk Hunting in New Mexico Unit 55B
The first archery season can see extremely high temps. Water is abundant in most of the unit, but stand hunting over wallows can be effective. Hunters with tags for this season should consider hunting during the last part of the season, bugling to locate bulls. The later archery season takes place during the rut. Hunters who hike away from roads often get bulls to respond to bugles and cow calls.
SUCCESS RATES for Elk Hunting in New Mexico Unit 55B
5 Year Estimated Average for Elk
Archery 1 20.00%
Archery 2 28.00%
Rifle 1 50.00%
Rifle 2 35.00%
Rifle 3 20.00%
Elk TROPHY QUALITY for Unit 55B New Mexico
Average Elk Quality 300″ – 330″
NM Area 55B Trophy Elk Potential 340″+
New Mexico Unit 55B Elk Hunting FORUM Coming Soon!
Total Acreage: 603,000 acres over 942 square miles
Total Public Land: 602,000 acres or 99%
Land Ownership Mix: 1% Private; 99% Public; USFS: 600,128 acres; USFS Wilderness: 524,992 acres; State: 768 acres
Species: Elk, Mule Deer, Sheep, Pronghorn
Elevation Variances: 5,000 ft. to 11,000 ft.
Terrain Difficulty Overall: Mild to Moderate
Land Coverage/Vegetation: 84% evergreen forest and 10% shrub/scrub
Unit 55B Boundaries: The portion of Game Management Unit 55 beginning at the junction of New Mexico Highway 58 and US 64 at Cimarron and running west and south along US 64 to the Colfax-Taos County line at Palo Flechado pass; then north along the Colfax County line to the southern boundary of the Sangre de Cristo Grant; then north and west along the Sangre De Cristo Grant’s southern boundary to NM 522 then north along New Mexico Highway 522 to the Colorado-New Mexico state line; then east along the state line to its intersection with Interstate 25; then south along I-25 to its junction with US 64 then southwest along US 64 to its junction with NM 58 at Cimarron
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