Colorado Unit 421 Hunting Information

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Overview of CO GMU 421 Hunting Facts

Unit 421 is found in west-central Colorado and sets just east of Grand Junction. The majority of the central portions of this area are private, which can cause a challenge for those with late-season tags. Public lands are typically found on the north and south sides of unit 421 in higher elevation locations. There are good populations of species to be found here, but keep in mind that locating mature animals can be tough without access to private land. For more Colorado Unit 421 hunting information, check out the Info for Cities Near Unit 421 section on the right.

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CO Unit 421 Species Hunting Info

INFO: Mule Deer Hunting in Colorado Unit 421
During archery and muzzleloader seasons, it can be difficult to find deer in unit 421, especially on the southern portion where vegetation is dense. For the best chance of spotting a deer during these seasons, stay towards the higher elevations. Cover lots of ground and try to find a buck quickly, before they have the chance to be spooked off. By the 2nd and 3rd rifle season comes around, bucks have usually moved towards lower elevation in search of sanctuary, a better source for food, and rut activity. Hunt near the borders of private and public land. Be on the lookout for when the bucks jump over from private to public land for your best chance of success.

SUCCESS RATES for Mule Deer Hunting in Colorado Unit 421
5 Year Estimated Average for Deer
Archery 30%
Muzzleloader 24%
2nd Rifle 41%
3rd Rifle 44%

Mule Deer TROPHY QUALITY for Unit 421 Colorado
Average Quality 140″ – 160″
Trophy Potential 170″+
Buck to Doe Ratio 20:100
Colorado Unit 421 Mule Deer Hunting FORUM Coming Soon!

INFO: Elk Hunting in Colorado Unit 421
During the archery and muzzleloader seasons, focus on the higher elevation. The public land in these areas is typically where bulls will be seen rutting, bugling, and herding their cows. During the first rifle season, elk are still in rut behavior at the higher elevations. By the time 2nd and 3rd rifle seasons come around, elk will have begun their migration into lower areas to escape snow and hunting pressure. Most of the elk have moved onto private land when the 4th rifle season comes around. Your best bet for success during this season is to stick around the border of private and public land.

SUCCESS RATES for Elk Hunting in Colorado Unit 421
5 Year Estimated Average for Elk
Archery 13%
Muzzleloader 20%
1st Rifle 21%
2nd Rifle 13%
3rd Rifle 11%
4th Rifle 10%
Elk TROPHY QUALITY for Unit 421 Colorado
Average Quality 250″ – 290″
Trophy Potential 290″+
Bull to Cow Ratio 27:100
Colorado Unit 421 Elk Hunting FORUM Coming Soon!

INFO: Antelope Hunting in Colorado Unit 481
Tags for muzzleloader season are easier to draw than rifle tags, but many pronghorns are on private property so you will need to have permission to hunt certain areas. Most hunters spot and stalk, using binoculars and spotting scopes to find and evaluate bucks. Tags drawn in this season are also valid in unit 56 and 48.

SUCCESS RATES for Antelope Hunting in Colorado Unit 481
5 Year Estimated Average for Antelope
Archery 9%
Muzzleloader 43%
Rifle 70%
Antelope TROPHY QUALITY for Unit 481 Colorado
Average Quality 60″ – 65″
Trophy Potential 65″+
Buck to Doe Ratio 3:100
Colorado Unit 481 Antelope Hunting FORUM Coming Soon!

Available Hunts for Colorado Unit 421

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