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Home » Hunting Informations » New Mexico Cities Hunting Information » Hunting Information Deming City New Mexico
Rough Country Outdoor Gear
Rough Country Outdoor Gear is the only store near Lordsburg for miles that sells guns and ammo. Found in 1996, what started out as a hobby has now become their passion and they are ready to help you in every way that they can.
Hampton Inn Deming, NM
Located off I-10, this is the perfect location for those needing to rest their head for the night. Referred to as “a relaxing retreat in the desert”, this hotel has many things to offer. Their amenities include a free hot breakfast, free wifi, free parking, a pool, and is pet friendly.
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Deming Mimbres Valley
This hotel is in the middle of multiple restaurants, shopping centers, and more. They like to make their guests feel at home and put a lot of effort into making their rooms welcoming. Each room includes a flat screen tv, a mini fridge, and a microwave. Other amenities include free parking, free breakfast, free wifi, and a breakfast buffet.
Dreamcatcher RV Park
Dreamcatcher RV Park offers a unique personality at its campground. They strive to make you feel at home, and in making you feel welcomed. Their amenities include pull-through sites, full hookups, a swimming pool, wifi, laundry facilities, showers, dump stations, and tire inflation.
Mac’s Meats Inc
Mac’s Meats has been in business for over 50 years. This is a family owned business who strives to bring you high quality processed meat. Give them a call for all of your processing needs.
Major Wildlife Studio
Major Wildlife Studio started their business in April of 2005, and have been making customers happy ever since. Every one of their employees have years of experience, which has played a factor in the awards that this company has received. They offer various mounting types, and stand apart from other competitors with their ability to customize your trophy.
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