Home » Hunting Informations » Colorado Units Hunting Information » Colorado Unit 42 Hunting Information
Home » Hunting Informations » Colorado Units Hunting Information » Colorado Unit 42 Hunting Information
INFO: Mule Deer Hunting in Colorado Unit 42
Early on bucks will be found scattered throughout unit 42. Focus on the southern portion of this unit near the Grand Mesa area. During the archery and muzzleloader seasons, be on the lookout near higher elevations. Setting up at dusk and dawn has proven to be successful in the past. During the 2nd rifle season, deer are typically still taking cover. Be on the lookout as the deer will start to travel to lower elevations towards the end of 2nd season. The rut is starting during 3rd season, so be on the lookout for a doe with a buck following not far behind. Try to get away from the main roads, and do not be afraid to go into the rugged territory.
SUCCESS RATES for Mule Deer Hunting in Colorado Unit 42
5 Year Estimated Average for Deer
Archery 29%
Muzzleloader 28%
2nd Rifle 34%
3rd Rifle 56%
Mule Deer TROPHY QUALITY for Unit 42 Colorado
Average Quality 140″ – 160″
Trophy Potential 170″
Buck to Doe Ratio 20:100
Colorado Unit 42 Mule Deer Hunting FORUM COMING SOON!
INFO: Elk Hunting in Colorado Unit 42
During archery and muzzleloader seasons, look for most of the public land bulls in the southern portion of this unit. Focus on the higher elevations during the early seasons. Keep in mind where the private land boundaries are located. Try to stay away from the main roads for the most promising success rates. 2nd and 3rd rifle seasons are over-the-counter in this unit and can often feel crowded near the roads. Elk can typically be seen migrating down to lower elevations during these seasons. Being patient is key to success during the 2nd and 3rd seasons. By the time 4th season comes around, the elk are normally found on private land. It is suggested to get permission to hunt private land during this time. If public land is your only option, stay near the border of private and public land in hopes of an elk crossing over into the public area you are at.
SUCCESS RATES for Elk Hunting in Colorado Unit 42
5 Year Estimated Average for Elk
Archery 11%
Muzzle Loader 16%
Early Rifle 25%
2nd Rifle 13%
3rd Rifle 12%
2nd Rifle 5%
Colorado Unit 42 Elk Hunting FORUM COMING SOON!
Total Acreage: 387,200 acres over 605 square miles
Total Public Land: 216,832 acres or 56%
Land Ownership Mix: 44% Private; 56% Public
Species Common in the Area: Black Bear, Elk, Mule Deer, Moose, Pronghorn
Elevation Variance: 8,500 ft to 11,000 ft
Terrain Difficulty Overall: Mild to Moderate
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