For more information about Connecticut Hunting Guide #20,
please contact us at HuntersDomain 936-634-4426.
Connecticut Duck Hunts
An outfitter in Connecticut is providing Duck hunting on the private preserve and 2,000 acres of farmland. A true delight for the waterfowl shooter, there are a variety of different duck species to choose from including Mallard, Wood Duck, Black Duck, Scaup, Redhead, Pintail, Canvasback, Hooded Merganser, Scoter, Oldsquaw, and Eider. The country is ideal for many different types of wildlife with its variety of crops, waterways, and hills.
Bag Limit: 6 daily with species limits
Hunting Dates: September - January
Connecticut Duck Hunts
Hunting Lodging and Meals
Although lodging is not included, there are several hotels and inns to choose from that are a short distance away. Breakfast and lunch are included with all hunts.
Transportation can be provided for both you and your dogs.
Hunting Location
Located in the NAP-H Unit of Windham County, Connecticut, the property is a private preserve. 2,000 acres of leased farmland is also used on some of the hunts. The country is ideal for many different types of wildlife with its farmland, hills, 15-acre lake, and a spring-fed pond.
Click here to see our photo album with more hunting photos.
Other Services
State hunter safety courses and pistol classes are available. Professional dog training for you and your dog are also offered. They will adjust their hunts and fishing trips to accommodate persons with disabilities, including wheelchairs.
If you're looking to find information on state rules, please see the Connecticut State regulations.
For more information about Connecticut Hunting Guide #20,
please contact us at HuntersDomain 936-634-4426.
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