Home » California Blacktail Deer Hunts » Zones B-5 and C4 California Blacktail Deer Hunts
Ad Number: 2955
For more information about California Hunting Guide #30,
please contact us at HuntersDomain 936-634-4426.
California Blacktail Deer Hunts
This outfitter offers Blacktail Deer hunts on a 10,000-acre habitat in Zones B-5 and C4 of Tehama County, California. The large resident heard is managed closely to ensure a proper buck to doe proportion. Your guide will direct you to the best spots to land your trophy buck. California Blacktail can range from 17 to 26 inches spread.
Bag Limit: One
Hunting Dates: September – May (by state draw)
California Blacktail Deer Hunts
Hunting Lodging and Meals
Enjoy your stay at the restful sumptuous lodge or choose the bunkhouse that takes up to 20 people. The lodge has a full kitchen, BBQ, fireplace, TV, 3 showers, and poker table. The bunkhouse also has a full kitchen, TV, and BBQ. They offer home-style meals with a staff that is ready to serve you.
Sportsmen will be conducted to and through the hunting grounds by truck and ATVs. Airport picks up is available.
Hunting Location
The property is located in Tehama County, Northern California, which is an easy distance from Interstate 5. You have your pick of terrain: rolling hills, thickets of oak, grassland, or flat courses for those with physical challenges.
Click here to see our photo album with more hunting photos.
Other Services
Sharpen up your skills on this outfitter’s sporting clay range before and after the hunt. They offer dog kennels for your hunting dogs. Corporate hunting packages are available. When your hunting is done, they will field dress your trophy and store it in cold storage until your trip home. Also available are taxidermy prep and if you would like, a local taxidermist to handle your trophy.
If you're looking to find information on state rules, please see the California State regulations.
For more information about CaliforniaHunting Guide #30,
please contact us at HuntersDomain 936-634-4426.
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